CAS is an open and well-documented authentication protocol. The primary implementation of the protocol is an open-source Java server component by the same name hosted here, with support for a plethora of additional authentication protocols and features such a SAML2, OpenID Connect, MFA and many many more.
Added 6 months ago – Demonstate and observe slow-loading resources
Added 4 years ago
GitHub - spiral/roadrunner: High-performance PHP application server, load-balancer and process manager written in Golang
High-performance PHP application server, load-balancer and process manager written in Golang - spiral/roadrunner
Added 5 years ago
A tool that makes Markdown, JSON and YAML content in your codebase editable by humans. Live edit content on GitHub or your local file system, without disrupting your existing code and workflows.
Added 3 months ago
Added 4 years ago
Far Cry
Added 5 years ago
umami-software/umami: Umami is a simple, fast, privacy-focused alternative to Google Analytics.
Umami is a simple, fast, privacy-focused alternative to Google Analytics. - GitHub - umami-software/umami: Umami is a simple, fast, privacy-focused alternative to Google Analytics.
Added 2 years ago
Unorthodox Eloquent II - Muhammed Sarı
I've been working with Eloquent for over half a decade now, and it's time to share my next bag of tricks. You are guaranteed to learn something new!
GitHub - spatie/laravel-permission: Associate users with roles and permissions
Associate users with roles and permissions. Contribute to spatie/laravel-permission development by creating an account on GitHub.
Added 5 years ago
Jigsaw – Static Sites for Laravel Developers
Jigsaw is a framework for rapidly building static sites using the same modern tooling that powers your web applications.
Added 2 years ago
Ambar - Document Search Engine · An open-source document search engine with automated crawling, OCR, tagging and instant full-text search
An open-source document search engine with automated crawling, OCR, tagging and instant full-text search
Added 4 years ago
Shlink - The URL shortener
A self-hosted and PHP-based URL shortener application with CLI and REST interfaces
Added 5 years ago
Free Fonts | 120.000+ Font Downloads | FontSpace
Free downloads of legally licensed fonts that are perfect for your design projects. The best place in the universe to search for amazing fonts.
Added 1 year ago
Introduction — Radix UI
An open-source UI component library for building high-quality, accessible design systems and web apps.
Added 4 years ago
Added 3 years ago
GitHub - shlinkio/shlink: A self-hosted and PHP-based URL shortener with CLI and REST interfaces
A self-hosted and PHP-based URL shortener with CLI and REST interfaces - shlinkio/shlink
Added 5 years ago
GitHub - tabler/tabler: Tabler is free and open-source HTML Dashboard UI Kit built on Bootstrap
Tabler is free and open-source HTML Dashboard UI Kit built on Bootstrap - tabler/tabler
Added 5 years ago
Sharp - Content Management Framework for Laravel
Sharp is not a CMS: it's a content management framework, a toolset which provides help building a CMS section in a website.
Added 4 years ago
GitHub - go-gitea/gitea: Git with a cup of tea, painless self-hosted git service
Git with a cup of tea, painless self-hosted git service - go-gitea/gitea
Added 5 years ago
Zulip Team Chat
Zulip combines the immediacy of real-time chat with an email threading model. With Zulip, you can catch up on important conversations while ignoring irrelevant ones.
Added 6 years ago
Added 5 years ago
Objective-See: Tools
free, open-source, tools to secure your Mac
Added 2 years ago
Steini: Quantenphysik und Kosmologie - YouTube
Unsere Welt ist nach allem was wir heute wissen im kleinsten Massstab völlig bizarr aufgebaut und im grössten also im kosmologischen Massstab besteht sie zie...
Added 5 years ago
Typing Practice for Programmers |
Added 4 years ago