Qinti/nazca: A new way of creating GUI in the web
Nazca is a special GUI language (syntactic sugar over css/html/js), which can define how object looks, how object acts and how it is placed in the hierarchy. There is no need to write separate css/html/js files - one *.nazca file will do everything.
Added 3 years ago
Added 3 years ago
Added 3 years ago
Constraint Systems
21 alternative interfaces for creating and editing images and text
Added 3 years ago
Turns websites into data — Microlink
Fast, scalable, and reliable browser automation built for businesses and developers. Proudly open source.
Added 3 years ago
How to win at CORS -
CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) is hard. It's hard because it's part of how browsers fetch stuff, and that's a set of behaviours that started with the very first web browser over thirty years ago. Since then, it's been a constant source of development; adding features, improving defaults, and papering over past mistakes without breaking too much of the web.
Added 3 years ago
Creating Generative Art with PHP — Ben Gillbanks
Generative Art is creating artworks through programming. Generative art has a few different names, Procedural art and creative coding are common alternatives.
Flowrift Tailwind CSS UI/UX component library
Flowrift is a library made of beautifully designed Tailwind CSS UI blocks. All blocks are vanilla HTML and work with Tailwind CSS' default configuration. Go big or go small: Stack blocks on top of each other to build full-page layouts, or selectively copy small code snippets. Your imagination is the only limit.
Added 3 years ago
Rancher Desktop: Kubernetes and container management on the desktop
Rancher Desktop is an open-source desktop application for Mac and Windows. It provides Kubernetes and container management. You can choose the version of Kubernetes you want to run. You can build, push, pull, and run container images. The container images you build can be run by Kubernetes immediately without the need for a registry.
Added 3 years ago
Screely - Generate Website Mockups
Instantly turn your screenshot into a beautiful website mockup. Customize the browser mockup window, background and much more
Added 3 years ago
Added 3 years ago
borgmatic is simple, configuration-driven backup software for servers and workstations. Protect your files with client-side encryption. Backup your databases too. Monitor it all with integrated third-party services.
nginx playground
Added 3 years ago
cccreate → carefully curated collection of tools for web creators
A simple page with a list of tools to help make the task of creating websites easier. You'll find my favorite tools for color, typography, shapes, layout,...
Added 3 years ago
Mechanic is an open source framework that makes it easy to create custom, web-based design tools that export design assets right in your browser.
Added 3 years ago
Poly Pizza: Free 3D models for everyone
Added 3 years ago
Logflare | Cloudflare, Vercel & Elixir Logging
Use our Cloudflare app and catch every request to your web service no matter what. Our Cloudflare App worker doesn't modify your request, it simply pulls the request/response data and logs to Logflare asynchronously after passing your request through.
Added 3 years ago
Track your Favorite Github Awesome Repo | Track Awesome List
Added 3 years ago
A curated collection of beautiful Tailwind CSS gradients using the full range of Tailwind CSS colors. Easily copy and paste the class names, CSS or even save the gradients as an image.
Added 3 years ago
Added 3 years ago
AdonisJS - A fully featured web framework for Node.js
Added 3 years ago
NestJS - A progressive Node.js framework
NestJS is a framework for building efficient, scalable Node.js web applications. It uses modern JavaScript, is built with TypeScript and combines elements of OOP (Object Oriented Progamming), FP (Functional Programming), and FRP (Functional Reactive Programming).
Added 3 years ago
Added 3 years ago