GitHub - prologuephp/alerts: Alerts is a package that handles global site messages.
Alerts is a package that handles global site messages. - prologuephp/alerts
Added 5 years ago
Simple Analytics - Simple, clean, and privacy-friendly analytics
Simple Analytics gives you the analytics you need without invading the privacy of your users, with a clean interface, and simple integration. GDPR, CCPA and, PECR comliant because we don't handle PII data and set no cookies.
Added 5 years ago
Matomo: #1 Secure Open Web Analytics Platform
Enjoy the full benefits of a Premium Web Analytics and Conversion Optimization tool ALL in one place, while taking full control with 100% data ownership.
Added 5 years ago
GitHub - typesense/typesense: Fast, typo tolerant search engine for building delightful search experiences.
Fast, typo tolerant search engine for building delightful search experiences. - typesense/typesense
Added 5 years ago
Lingua Franca: A Design Language for Human-Centered AI
Lingua Franca is a design language for human-centered AI - a set of guidelines that apply to any AI-driven product, tool, service, or experience, to bring coherence and fluidity to otherwise complex and messy technologies.
Added 5 years ago
Nightwatch.js | Node.js powered End-to-End testing framework
Write efficient end-to-end tests in Node.js and run them against W3C WebDriver.
Added 5 years ago
Mozilla SSL Configuration Generator
An easy-to-use secure configuration generator for web, database, and mail software
Added 5 years ago
GitHub - riggraz/astuto: A free, open source, self-hosted customer feedback tool ?
A free, open source, self-hosted customer feedback tool ? - riggraz/astuto
Added 5 years ago
Neumorphism/Soft UI CSS shadow generator
CSS code generator that will help with colors, gradients and shadows to adapt this new design trend or discover its posibilities.
Added 5 years ago
Baretest — An extremely minimalistic alternative to Jest
Baretest is a fast and simple JavaScript test runner. It offers near-instant performance and a brainless API. It makes testing _tolerable_.
Added 5 years ago
GitHub - Labs64/GuideChimp: Create interactive guided product tours in minutes with the most non-technical friendly, lightweight and extendable library
Create interactive guided product tours in minutes with the most non-technical friendly, lightweight and extendable library - Labs64/GuideChimp
Added 5 years ago
Pokemon Master Icon Guessing Game
Added 5 years ago
Added 5 years ago
Added 5 years ago
Shield API and Web App security
Intelligent application protection that stops malicious traffic and prevents sensitive data exposure without adding overhead
Added 5 years ago
Redash helps you make sense of your data
Use Redash to connect to any data source (PostgreSQL, MySQL, Redshift, BigQuery, MongoDB and many others), query, visualize and share your data to make your company data driven.
Added 5 years ago
muesli/beehive: A flexible event/agent & automation system with lots of bees ?
A flexible event/agent & automation system with lots of bees ? - muesli/beehive
Added 5 years ago
huginn/huginn: Create agents that monitor and act on your behalf. Your agents are standing by!
Create agents that monitor and act on your behalf. Your agents are standing by! - huginn/huginn
Added 5 years ago – Cron Job Monitoring alerts you when your cron jobs fail to run on time. Quick setup (no coding required), clean dashboard, affordable pricing.
Added 5 years ago
Monitoror — Unified monitoring wallboard
Monitoror is a wallboard monitoring app to monitor server status; monitor CI builds progress or even display critical values
Added 5 years ago
Added 5 years ago
Added 4 years ago
robinloeffel/cosha: Colorful shadows for your images. ?
Colorful shadows for your images. ?. Contribute to robinloeffel/cosha development by creating an account on GitHub.
Added 4 years ago
MoreToggles.css - All Styles
A pure CSS library that provides you with a variety of nice-looking toggles.
Added 4 years ago