GitHub - shlinkio/shlink: A self-hosted and PHP-based URL shortener with CLI and REST interfaces
A self-hosted and PHP-based URL shortener with CLI and REST interfaces - shlinkio/shlink
Added 5 years ago
GitHub - urlhum/UrlHum: The modern, privacy-aware URL Shortener built in PHP.
The modern, privacy-aware URL Shortener built in PHP. - urlhum/UrlHum
Added 5 years ago
GitHub - foxlet/macOS-Simple-KVM: Tools to set up a quick macOS VM in QEMU, accelerated by KVM.
Tools to set up a quick macOS VM in QEMU, accelerated by KVM. - foxlet/macOS-Simple-KVM
Added 5 years ago
GitHub - aaronpk/ Easily enable webmentions and pingbacks on any web page
Easily enable webmentions and pingbacks on any web page - aaronpk/
Added 5 years ago
GitHub - nunomaduro/phpinsights: ? Instant PHP quality checks from your console
? Instant PHP quality checks from your console. Contribute to nunomaduro/phpinsights development by creating an account on GitHub.
Added 5 years ago
GitHub - OpenIdentityPlatform/OpenDJ: OpenDJ is an LDAPv3 compliant directory service, which has been developed for the Java platform, providing a high performance, highly available, and secure store for the identities managed by your organization. Its easy installation process, combined with the power of the Java platform makes OpenDJ the simplest, fastest directory to deploy and manage.
OpenDJ is an LDAPv3 compliant directory service, which has been developed for the Java platform, providing a high performance, highly available, and secure store for the identities managed by your organization. Its easy installation process, combined with the power of the Java platform makes OpenDJ the simplest, fastest directory to deploy and manage. - OpenIdentityPlatform/OpenDJ
Added 5 years ago
GitHub - Enalean/tuleap: Tuleap is a Free & Open Source Suite to improve management of software developments and collaboration. With a single web-based solution, project managers, developers & quality managers can easily build, deploy software projects.
Tuleap is a Free & Open Source Suite to improve management of software developments and collaboration. With a single web-based solution, project managers, developers & quality managers can easily build, deploy software projects. - Enalean/tuleap
Added 5 years ago
GitHub - DivineOmega/artisan-menu: ? Artisan Menu - Use Artisan via an elegant console GUI
? Artisan Menu - Use Artisan via an elegant console GUI - DivineOmega/artisan-menu
Added 5 years ago
GitHub - codex-team/editor.js: A block-styled editor with clean JSON output
A block-styled editor with clean JSON output. Contribute to codex-team/editor.js development by creating an account on GitHub.
Added 5 years ago
GitHub - lazychaser/laravel-nestedset: Effective tree structures in Laravel 4-5
Effective tree structures in Laravel 4-5. Contribute to lazychaser/laravel-nestedset development by creating an account on GitHub.
Added 5 years ago
GitHub - google/fonts: Font files available from Google Fonts
Font files available from Google Fonts. Contribute to google/fonts development by creating an account on GitHub.
Added 5 years ago
GitHub - jupeter/clean-code-php: Clean Code concepts adapted for PHP
:bathtub: Clean Code concepts adapted for PHP. Contribute to jupeter/clean-code-php development by creating an account on GitHub.
Added 5 years ago
GitHub - writeas/writefreely: A focused writing and publishing space.
A focused writing and publishing space. Contribute to writeas/writefreely development by creating an account on GitHub.
Added 5 years ago
GitHub - BoostIO/Boostnote: A markdown editor for developers on Mac, Windows and Linux.
A markdown editor for developers on Mac, Windows and Linux. - BoostIO/Boostnote
Added 5 years ago
GitHub - spatie/period: Complex period comparisons
Complex period comparisons. Contribute to spatie/period development by creating an account on GitHub.
Added 5 years ago
GitHub - karan/Projects: A list of practical projects that anyone can solve in any programming language.
:page_with_curl: A list of practical projects that anyone can solve in any programming language. - karan/Projects
Added 5 years ago
GitHub - firefly-iii/firefly-iii: Firefly III: a personal finances manager
Firefly III: a personal finances manager. Contribute to firefly-iii/firefly-iii development by creating an account on GitHub.
Added 5 years ago
GitHub - antonmoglia/Garcia-Libre: A sans-serif font in progress
A sans-serif font in progress. Contribute to antonmoglia/Garcia-Libre development by creating an account on GitHub.
Added 5 years ago
GitHub - jsphpl/laravan: Ansible Playbooks for Laravel - machine provisioning and app deployment
Ansible Playbooks for Laravel - machine provisioning and app deployment - jsphpl/laravan
Added 5 years ago
GitHub - moneyphp/money: PHP implementation of Fowler's Money pattern.
PHP implementation of Fowler's Money pattern. Contribute to moneyphp/money development by creating an account on GitHub.
Added 5 years ago
GitHub - MichaelMure/git-bug: Distributed, offline-first bug tracker embedded in git, with bridges
Distributed, offline-first bug tracker embedded in git, with bridges - MichaelMure/git-bug
Added 5 years ago
GitHub - thepracticaldev/ Where programmers share ideas and help each other grow
Where programmers share ideas and help each other grow - thepracticaldev/
Added 5 years ago
GitHub - jokkedk/webgrind: Xdebug Profiling Web Frontend in PHP
Xdebug Profiling Web Frontend in PHP. Contribute to jokkedk/webgrind development by creating an account on GitHub.
Added 5 years ago
GitHub - vlucas/phpdotenv: Loads environment variables from `.env` to `getenv()`, `$_ENV` and `$_SERVER` automagically.
Loads environment variables from `.env` to `getenv()`, `$_ENV` and `$_SERVER` automagically. - vlucas/phpdotenv
Added 5 years ago