Waybackmachine API Docs
Save Page Now 2 Public API Docs Draft
Added 1 year ago
Imaging Resource
Imaging Resource seeks to lead photographers to positive experiences with their cameras. Since that time, we've grown to become one of the largest photo news and review sites on the web. In our pages, you'll find in-depth camera and lens reviews backed by exhaustive lab tests, as well as extensive coverage of photo news.
Added 1 year ago
Overlay Scrollbars - Javascript scrollbar plugin which hides the native scrollbars and provides custom styleable overlay scrollbars.!overview
A javascript scrollbar plugin which hides the native scrollbars and provides custom styleable overlay scrollbars.
Added 5 years ago
robinloeffel/cosha: Colorful shadows for your images. ?
Colorful shadows for your images. ?. Contribute to robinloeffel/cosha development by creating an account on GitHub.
Added 4 years ago
Parsel: A tiny, permissive CSS selector parser
Added 4 years ago
GitHub - Enalean/tuleap: Tuleap is a Free & Open Source Suite to improve management of software developments and collaboration. With a single web-based solution, project managers, developers & quality managers can easily build, deploy software projects.
Tuleap is a Free & Open Source Suite to improve management of software developments and collaboration. With a single web-based solution, project managers, developers & quality managers can easily build, deploy software projects. - Enalean/tuleap
Added 5 years ago - distributed workflow orchestration platform for JVM. is distributed, highly scalable and fault tolerant workflow orchestration platform for JVM. Create workflows with drag&drop from predefined steps or just quickly code them in our browser-based IDE. Run titanoboa on-premises or in a cloud accross multiple availability zones. Use it as an ESB, iPaaS or batch and real-time processing engine.
Added 4 years ago
The First Alkahistorian
Added 4 years ago
Podman Desktop
Podman Desktop enables you to easily work with containers from your local environment. Podman Desktop leverages Podman Engine to provide a lightweight and daemon-less container tool.
Added 2 years ago
Building a Scrollable and Draggable Timeline with GSAP - Codrops
Learn how to build a scrollable and draggable horizontal timeline using GSAP's ScrollTrigger and Draggable plugins.
Added 3 years ago
mess with dns
It's fun to learn by experimenting and breaking things! Here you can do weird DNS experiments with no consequences if you mess something up.
Added 7 months ago
oxalorg/sakura: a minimal css framework/theme.
:cherry_blossom: a minimal css framework/theme. Contribute to oxalorg/sakura development by creating an account on GitHub.
Added 4 years ago
Tailwind CSS Color Generator | UI Colors
Generate, edit, save and share Tailwind CSS color shades based on a given hexcode or HSL color.
Added 1 year ago
Baretest — An extremely minimalistic alternative to Jest
Baretest is a fast and simple JavaScript test runner. It offers near-instant performance and a brainless API. It makes testing _tolerable_.
Added 5 years ago
List of video games considered the best - Wikipedia
This is a list of video games that multiple reputable video game journalists or magazines have considered to be among the best of all time. The games listed here are included on at least six separate "best/greatest of all time" lists from different publications, as chosen by their editorial staffs.
Added 3 years ago
GitHub - lord/slate: Beautiful static documentation for your API
Beautiful static documentation for your API. Contribute to lord/slate development by creating an account on GitHub.
Added 5 years ago
Cabot - monitor and alert
Self-hosted watchdog for your websites and infrastructure
Added 2 years ago
The Asymmetry of Open Source — Matt Holt
A comprehensive guide to funding open source software projects
Added 2 years ago
Keep track of your video game backlog. Use the default Played, Playing, Backlog and Wish List shelves created for you, or create your own virtual shelves to categorize your games however you want. You can also automatically import your Steam library to easily manage your collection.
Added 1 year ago
Hotwire: a radical new old way to build web apps | Medium
Added 4 years ago
friendica – A Decentralized Social Network
Decentralized architecture with no central authority or ownership.
Added 2 years ago
QQ - Quantity Queries Builder
A quantity query is a complex CSS selector that allows styles to be applied to elements based on the number of siblings.
Added 3 years ago
HTML DOM - Common tasks of managing HTML DOM with vanilla JavaScript
Common tasks of managing HTML DOM with vanilla JavaScript
Added 4 years ago
DIY Ambilight with WS2812B LEDs - Parts Not Included
The goal of this project is to build a dynamic backlight, also known as an ‘ambilight’, for my PC monitor. An ambilight changes colors based on the content onscreen, extending your monitor to the wall behind it. By reducing the contrast between the monitor and the background it can also help with eye strain.
Added 4 years ago