Web Development Tools
Various resources, tools and helpers for web development
A developer's perspective: the problem with screen... | https://jaketracey.com/a-developers-perspective-the-problem-with-screen-reader-testing/ |
A Theory of Web Relativity - HTMHell | https://www.htmhell.dev/adventcalendar/2022/21/ |
a11yresources - A growing list of accessibility to... | https://a11yresources.webflow.io/ |
Are you using SVG favicons yet? A guide for modern... | https://medium.com/swlh/are-you-using-svg-favicons-yet-a-guide-for-modern-browsers-836a6aace3df |
asdf | https://asdf-vm.com/ |
Bad SSL | https://badssl.com/ |
balazsbotond/urlcat: A URL builder library for Jav... | https://github.com/balazsbotond/urlcat |
Baretest — An extremely minimalistic alternative t... | https://volument.com/baretest |
BEM Naming Cheat Sheet by 9elements | https://9elements.com/bem-cheat-sheet/ |
Big Heads · Easily generate avatars for your proje... | https://bigheads.io/ |
Carbon | https://carbon.now.sh |
cccreate → carefully curated collection of tools f... | https://cccreate.co/ |
Code Hike | https://codehike.org/ |
Consistency Made Simple : PLOP | https://plopjs.com/ |
Content-Security-Policy Header ⟶ CSP Reference & E... | https://content-security-policy.com/ |
CryptCheck SSL Testing | https://tls.imirhil.fr/ |
Diahook · Making Webhooks Easy and Reliable | https://www.diahook.com/ |
Editor.md - Open source online Markdown editor. | https://pandao.github.io/editor.md/en.html |
endpoints.dev | https://www.endpoints.dev/ |
EStimator.dev: the modern JavaScript savings calcu... | https://estimator.dev/ |
FAST UI System | https://www.fast.design/ |
flatpickr/flatpickr | https://github.com/flatpickr/flatpickr |
Fluor.js - Sprinkle interactivity on your design | https://fluorjs.github.io/ |
Free for developers | https://free-for.dev/ |
fresh - The next-gen web framework. | https://fresh.deno.dev/ |