Web Development Tools
Various resources, tools and helpers for web development
GoJS Diagrams for JavaScript and HTML | https://gojs.net/latest/index.html |
Google Fonts by Tags | https://goofonts.com/ |
Grid.js - Advanced table plugin | https://gridjs.io/ |
Generate unique SVG design assets | Haikei | https://haikei.app/ |
Hasura GraphQL - GraphQL API generator | https://hasura.io/ |
Scale — color scale generator | https://hihayk.github.io/scale |
HTML DOM - Common tasks of managing HTML DOM with... | https://htmldom.dev/ |
Iconduck | https://iconduck.com/ |
Imba - The friendly full-stack language! | https://imba.io/ |
Ionic - Cross-Platform Mobile App Development | https://ionicframework.com/ |
A developer's perspective: the problem with screen... | https://jaketracey.com/a-developers-perspective-the-problem-with-screen-reader-testing/ |
MoreToggles.css - All Styles | https://jnkkkk.github.io/MoreToggles.css/ |
Lenis – Get smooth or die trying | https://lenis.studiofreight.com/ |
Loader.io | https://loader.io/ |
Are you using SVG favicons yet? A guide for modern... | https://medium.com/swlh/are-you-using-svg-favicons-yet-a-guide-for-modern-browsers-836a6aace3df |
tailblocks — Ready-to-use Tailwind CSS blocks | https://mertjf.github.io/tailblocks/ |
Mutagen | Cloud-based development using your local... | https://mutagen.io/ |
Neumorphism/Soft UI CSS shadow generator | https://neumorphism.io/ |
WinBox.js – Modern HTML5 Window Manager | https://nextapps-de.github.io/winbox/ |
Nightwatch.js | Node.js powered End-to-End testing... | https://nightwatchjs.org/ |
Paga | Parallax | https://paga.studio/index.php?site=parallax |
Editor.md - Open source online Markdown editor. | https://pandao.github.io/editor.md/en.html |
RequestBin — A modern request bin to collect, insp... | https://pipedream.com/requestbin |
Consistency Made Simple : PLOP | https://plopjs.com/ |
Parsel: A tiny, permissive CSS selector parser | https://projects.verou.me/parsel/ |